Sourcing & vetting

Our robust screening process for hiring pre-vetted talent

We use our own AI Recruiter to screen thousands of engineers, PMs, designers, and more - then make the top 1% available to you.
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Key takeaways

Step 1: Thousands of inbound applications

We begin by casting a wide net, assessing thousands of inbound applications to identify exceptional candidates among a diverse talent pool.

Step 2: Interview with our AI Recruiter

We then automatically screen these candidates at scale with our AI Recruiter, the best technical and soft skill vetting tool powered by AI. This interview includes a series of theoretical questions followed by a coding exercise for engineers.

Step 3: AI productivity training

We train micro1 certified engineers on a monthly basis on the latest AI tools through in-house courses micro1 has developed.

Step 4: Rigorous background check

We take the candidate through a 2 layer background check to ensure credentials & history.

Step 5: Expert hand-picked matching

Our recruitment experts carefully evaluate every vetted candidate to match them with roles where their skills and experience can truly shine.

Step 6: The top 1% of candidates get added to our talent pool

We deliver only the top 1% of global talent, ensuring you get access to exceptional engineers ready to make an impact.

Note: if you use our AI Recruiter software for your own vetting process, your talent will NOT be used for our pre-vetted talent pool.

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