What are the key features of JavaScript?
JavaScript is a versatile language known for its dynamic typing, event-driven programming, prototype-based inheritance, and first-class functions.
Can you explain the difference between 'let', 'var', and 'const'?
Var' declares a variable globally or within the function scope, 'let' declares a block-scoped variable, and 'const' declares a block-scoped constant whose value cannot be reassigned.
What is the purpose of closures in JavaScript?
Closures in JavaScript allow a function to access variables from an outer function scope even after the outer function has finished executing.
How does the 'this' keyword work in JavaScript?
The 'this' keyword in JavaScript refers to the object it belongs to, and its value is determined based on the execution context in which a function is invoked.
What is event delegation?
Event delegation is a technique in JavaScript where a single event listener is added to a parent element to manage events from multiple child elements through event bubbling.
Explain the concept of promises in JavaScript.
Promises in JavaScript are objects representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation, allowing for easier handling of asynchronous code.
What are arrow functions and how do they differ from regular functions?
Arrow functions are a more concise way to write function expressions with a lexical 'this' binding, meaning they do not have their own 'this' value and inherit 'this' from the enclosing scope.
Can you explain what hoisting is in JavaScript?
Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during execution.
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code in JavaScript?
Synchronous code is executed line by line in sequence, whereas asynchronous code allows executing tasks to run in the background without blocking the main thread.
How do you handle errors in JavaScript?
Errors in JavaScript can be handled using 'try', 'catch', 'finally' blocks to catch exceptions, or by employing Promises and 'async/await' mechanisms for handling asynchronous operations.