Sourcing & vetting

50 Game-changing candidate experience statistics for 2025

From interviewing to hiring, dive into 50 candidate experience statistics that help you improve the recruiting experience and grab the best talent.
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50 Game-changing candidate experience statistics for 2025

Key takeaways

You're building the best team on the block, so how can you ensure that your candidate experience is top-notch to attract the greatest talent? Better yet, how much impact does candidate experience have on job seekers? We've researched and gathered the top candidate experience statistics to help you shape your candidate journey.

From the interview stage to onboarding and continuing development, candidate experience helps shape a candidate's first impression of your company. By better understanding candidate experience in 2025, you can work to revolutionize your process, creating a more data-driven approach while identifying areas for improvement.

We'll explore job seeker statistics and potential candidate preferences leading to the interview stage. Then, we'll dive into detailed talent acquisition statistics you should know as a recruiter, finishing with tips for improving the candidate journey.

Job seeker statistics

Before candidates can become interested in joining your team, they need to find your job listing. We'll explore the job seeker statistics that help inform you how potential candidates seek information and what they expect from job postings. From hiring developers for a startup to administrative staff, you’ll learn job seekers appreciate an easy-to-approach application system and prompt communication.

A significant portion (36%) of candidates had to wait one to two months or more to hear about the next steps after submitting their application.

A significant portion (36%) of candidates had to wait one to two months or more to hear about the next steps after submitting their application.

ERE Media

38% of job seekers believe that employers should include compensation details in the initial job posting.


Around 38% of job seekers said they would abandon a job application if the employer didn’t disclose the salary front.


59% of candidates who are rejected from a job feel negatively about how long the hiring process takes.


35% of U.S. job seekers reported that employers never even acknowledged receiving their applications.


Most workers (77%) report receiving a response from employers within two weeks of submitting their job applications.


83% of candidates prefer to be informed promptly if they are no longer under consideration for a position.

Lighthouse Research

When searching for jobs, a fourth (24.8%) of job seekers were attracted to a potential opportunity because of compensation, while 21.8% said it was due to offered benefits.

Career Plug

Over half of employees (53%) have found that the job responsibilities advertised by companies significantly differed from what they actually did once they started the role.


Job interview statistics

The job interview phase is a crucial part of the candidate experience. Stepping back and examining the interview process allows your team to better understand what candidates are looking for and how you can upgrade your interviewing process to make it better for everyone involved.

Using AI interviewer tools, human recruiters can interview 100 times more candidates asynchronously, significantly expanding their reach and efficiency in the hiring process.


31% of candidates experienced employers initially responding to their applications but disappearing before they could schedule an interview.


A significant portion (40%) of job seekers report being ghosted by potential employers even after completing multiple rounds of interviews.


45% of candidates who ghosted potential employers cut off contact after participating in job interviews.


One out of five job candidates (20%) have turned down a job offer because they had a negative experience during the interview process.


Almost one-quarter of companies (24%) use chatbots to interact with job candidates and automate tasks like screening applications and scheduling interviews.


54% of job candidates report encountering discriminatory questions during job interviews.


21% of candidates have been asked to provide feedback on their experience with the hiring process.

Aptitude Research

Talent acquisition statistics

As someone specializing in talent acquisition, you want the lowdown to see what motivates candidates to have a positive experience and choose your company over others when multiple offers are on the table. We'll explore those talent acquisition statistics and examine ways to handle the most significant recruiting challenge, money, using tools like AI recruiting platforms.

By implementing ethical AI hiring solutions, companies can achieve an 85% reduction in the costs associated with recruitment, selecting from talents in a vast global hiring pool.


For 76% of candidates who accepted job offers, a positive experience during the hiring process was a major deciding factor.


Over one-half (52%) of job seekers have turned down a job offer because of a negative experience during the hiring process.


While improving the quality of new hires remains the top priority, enhancing the candidate experience is a close second, with 48% of employers focusing on it strategically.

Aptitude Research

89% of employers find it problematic when candidates withdraw from the hiring process unexpectedly or fail to appear for their first day of work.


The top reasons candidates turn down offers are unsatisfactory compensation and benefits and roles and responsibilities that don't match their expectations.


Despite the importance of candidate experience, a surprisingly small number of organizations (only 11%) actually track candidate satisfaction.

Lighthouse Research

39% of candidates say that when researching potential employers, they begin with the company's career site, finding it to be the most useful resource.

ERE Media

Nearly half of all job seekers (49%) find the majority of job application processes to be excessively long and complex.


33% of workers would abandon a job application if it's poorly designed, asks for the same information repeatedly, or is simply difficult to complete.


For the majority of candidates (61%), the application process takes 15 minutes or less to finish.

ERE Media

Employers prioritizing providing an excellent candidate experience typically make decisions about applicants within 3-5 days.


Giving new hires multiple ways to connect and learn before they start boosts their engagement and positive actions toward the company by 137%.

ERE Media

Only a small fraction of companies (12%) offer truly personalized job recommendations tailored to each candidate's profile and behavior.


Companies that provide a positive candidate experience are three times more likely to keep their employees longer and twice as likely to see improved employee performance.

Aptitude Research

89% of employers missed the opportunity to match candidates with relevant job openings by not inquiring about their skills.


More than one-half of job seekers (53%) report experiencing a bait-and-switch tactic where they were showered with praise during the hiring process, only to be offered a lower salary and job title that didn't align with their qualifications.


29% of employers utilize at least three different social media platforms to find and attract potential candidates.


Candidate communication statistics

How companies communicate with prospective job applicants goes a long way in establishing expectations for the future. Nearly half of the candidates would consider denying a potential job offer due to poor communication during the recruiting stage. Learn candidate communication statistics that can help your team shape how you connect with job seekers.

70% of candidates say that receiving a clear explanation for why employers didn’t choose them for a job would leave them with a favorable view of the company.

Lighthouse Research

No companies followed up with candidates to provide additional information on their application status after sending the initial application confirmation email.


47% of candidates would drop out of the running for a job due to poor communication from the employer.


37% of companies successfully communicate what they offer as an employer and their overall brand throughout the entire process of finding and hiring talent.


Only a small fraction of companies (12%) offer truly personalized job recommendations tailored to each candidate's profile and behavior.


Candidate journey statistics

Stepping back and viewing the candidate's journey can help you make decisions based on the current climate. For example, companies are beginning to rely on more affordable AI hiring tools to hire potential prospects faster and cheaper. Understanding the current landscape of the candidate journey will help you take action and improve your process.

With AI Interviewer, recruiters at Deel saw an 85% success rate from interviewing to hiring.


65% of candidates report inconsistent communication from employers throughout the hiring process.

Aptitude Research

Less than half (42%) of candidates received clear communication from recruiters about the next steps in the hiring process and were able to follow up accordingly.

ERE Media

49% of all employees have thought about leaving their current positions in the past year.


When asked about the candidate journey, 41% of job seekers expected their search to take one to three months, with 33% saying the process should take two weeks to a month.


When job finalists receive feedback, they become significantly more likely (30%-50% more) to recommend others to the company compared to those who don't receive any feedback.

ERE Media

The #1 reason 49% of individuals have considered leaving their jobs in the past year is dissatisfaction with their current pay.


42% of employees are planning to actively search for a new job within six months.


65% of North American employers provide feedback to internal candidates; a much smaller percentage (only 17%) extend this courtesy to external and referred candidates.

ERE Media

Over 72% of respondents noted that career growth opportunities were an important factor that they kept an eye out for when making their selection.


How to level up your candidate experience

If there is any primary takeaway from these candidate experience statistics, it is that hiring is a competitive, double-sided practice. Companies are no longer simply interviewing candidates and progressing them through a set workflow; candidates are grading employers based on their initial experiences, helping to reinforce decisions about which employer to choose when multiple offers are on the table.

From a candidate's perspective, the best thing a recruiter can do is to:

  • Create a welcoming and inclusive interview environment and ensure your team knows how to avoid discriminatory questions.
  • Gather and review candidate feedback to help your team identify areas for refinement.
  • Make the job application process easy for candidates by selecting user-friendly application software.
  • Prioritize communication and ensure communication is punctual throughout the process.
  • Use AI tools to improve your process, but focus on offering a human-centric approach.

With more job applicants applying now than ever and demanding lighting communication, you should embrace technological solutions to revolutionize your process. AI tools like AI Interviewer from micro1 can help teams interview thousands of applicants in record time, delivering the top 1% of candidates to your inbox for final selection.

You have the data; now level up your recruiting game with micro1

Candidate experience statistics can help show you the door, but as the saying goes, you'll need to step through it yourself. With the help of AI recruiting technology and micro1, discover how your team can hire the best global talent and improve the quality of your engineering applications at half the cost of traditional hiring. 

Get started today and book a free demo.

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